Thursday, January 9, 2014

Sunday, January 5, 2014

I remember

I remember thinking birds and bees were just birds and bees
and screwing was a toolbox term.

I remember when your name use to come up on my phone. 
lying in that hotel room on the right bedside and you smelled of oak.

I remember my recess lady Mrs. O. She was so scary and always looked like a man.

I remember Breaking your heart.
You breaking mine. 
Crying so hard on that staircase. Longer and harder than ever. How embarrassing I cried that hard for you.

I remember the bear I got at therapy. I named him blueberry. We ate fries together and then I lost him. 

I remember Finding out your lies on that drunk night.

I remember making a line of boulders in the street so cars had to find a different street to drive down.

You hiding me for hours in your doll house, but making sure I was fed with plenty hot dogs before my babysitter found me.

I remember when I first heard you swear and I thought you were the devil. Now look at me. The 7th grade me would think I’m going to hell.

I remember being home alone so many times I forgot clothes were necessary in the outside world.

I remember the planets and pluto being my favorite. 
I remember hating scientists and their decision making of what planets weren't going to be planets anymore. 
Pluto should be a planet.

I remember Nora jones, Come away with me playing at her funeral viewing. Her face was like a porslin doll. I miss her. 

I remember losing you and losing that game and losing those really comfortable underwear, like who would steal my favorite underwear? messed up.

I remember being sorry.

I remember wanting to be remembered in this class at the beginning of the year, and maybe I will be by a few.

I remember the good and the bad and the in-between.