Sunday, October 6, 2013

Cats have 9 lives

 Everyone is scared of death, don’t deny it.

One second you’re here

and the next

you’re gone.

But hasn’t part of you already died?

The kid who didn’t know the secrets her parents hid from her is dead.

 The girl who just got her first kiss that was 2 seconds long and thought she was a slut is dead.

The kid in kindergarden that picked her nose and didn't care who saw is dead (thank heavens).

People say cats have 9 lives. I think humans are something like that too.

Parts of us die through out our life, and I think death is just another one of those parts fading away.

I may not know what I will look like, where I will be, or who I will be with 

but I have to have hope that I will BE. That there is more after this life. That heaven is real and he is real. That everything I have faith in is true.  

I hope you have faith too because thats all that is truly worth living for.

Lets Die Believers. 


1 comment:

  1. I know God is real, and I believe and have faith in the things about God that my human mind just can not comprehend.
