Monday, November 4, 2013



Cheers for you and all the reasons you need to dull the pain. Sip away reality. Let yourself escape.
Raise a glass to all those who need some serious help.

Cheers to the girl who won’t talk to that boy she sits next to in english class because she’s too scared.
To the Blog that doesn’t have a comment.
To the slut who was really good at baseball terms.

Cheers to my vocabulary. 
To finding Egyptian pyramids on google earth.
To buying a monthly membership on club penguin for just $7.25.

Cheers to drunks trying to dull their pain, and Cheers to who they place their pain on. 

Cheers to Augustus Waters. 
To my cats love life. 
To pork chops and how they make me feel sad now. 
To that door step scene that went so bad I didn’t talk to you for a week, or two.

Cheers to pennies. 
To the boy I screwed over.
To organic Macaroni.

To the worm on the end of the hook wishing it were 10 feet under ground. 
To her corpse 10 feet under ground. 

Cheers to escaping reality, if that’s possible.

Just cheers damn it.


  1. Wow I would quote the FREAKIN HECK OUT OF THIS but there is just too many lines that I'm in love with.

    Seriously though Augustus waters (rest in paradise buddy)

    "Cheers to the girl who won’t talk to that boy because she’s too scared."
    "Cheers to the boy I screwed over."
    "To organic Macaroni."

    Just a few of my favorites. Nicely done Elizabeth

  2. damn this is good. i've read it like 5 times in the last 10 minutes. and ya there's too many lines too quote so i'll just go with the one that sums it up best:

    "Just cheers damn it."

  3. Replies
    1. I've read your guys comments like 5 times in the last 10 minutes. Thanks tons. Feels good.

  4. Cheers.... cheers. Sometimes i wish i drank just to do real cheers.

  5. Actually a lot of the times of my life i wish that. WORDS ARE SO HARD. gosh dang it. Except you make them seem easy. So I raise my glass to you. Figuratively.

    1. Cheers to you as well, not figuratively, Im actually holding a glass up the screen. (it's only orange juice though, sorry)

  6. sooo nice. loved the flow and tone and creativity. good work :)

  7. LOVE IT SO MUCH. And the Mother's Day thing...yeah. You're cool.
    "To the worm on the end of the hook wishing it were 10 feet under ground.
    To the corpse 10 feet under ground."
